Short word

Colossians 1:16b,17 “…..all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (all personal pronouns He/Him is speaking of Jesus).”

Colossians chapter one verse seventeen is one of my life verses. I love what the later part of verse 16 has to say concerning us. We were created through Him, and we were created for Him. We were made to bring the Lord pleasure, and He delights in us. However, the Lord used the truth in verse seventeen early in my walk with Him to set me free emotionally, and He continually uses it to minister to me when I struggle with my emotions. What an awesome reality it proclaims- in Christ, we are held together physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Many times when I felt like I was falling apart inwardly, He reminded me that He held me together. I would respond by thanking Him for that wonderful truth, and before I knew it, I would experience His peace.