Song of Solomon 5:16 “His mouth is full of sweetness, and He is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my Friend..”
The above verse is one of my favorite scriptures that accurately depicts the voice of the Lord. I have often applied this verse when I was trying to discern His voice. Just the other day, I was reminded of this passage when I was awakened very early in the morning with several burdensome thoughts racing through my mind. I knew that I was not going to be able to fall back to sleep, so I went into the den, and I started seeking the Lord concerning my anxious thoughts. Immediately, the Lord told me to offer each burden one by one to Him. He spoke so kindly to me into each circumstance, and by the time the prayer time was over, I was filled with His joy and peace. His voice is amazing indeed.
Bonus: I looked up the word sweet in the dictionary and I was drawn to its synonyms. They all describe the voice of the Lord. They are as follows: pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, delightful, nice, satisfying, gratifying, welcome, good acceptable, to one’s liking, entertaining, charming, inviting, attractive, fine. Indeed we serve a Mighty God.