Held together better than krazy glue

Colossians 1:17 He is before all things and in Him all things hold togetherColossians 2:9,10 For in Him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form and in Him you have been made complete This is such an awesome reality of being in Christ. In Him, I am complete body, soul(including my emotions), and spirit. This reassures me that I’m not going to fall apart emotionally (even when it feels like I am) because He holds me together. When I get hit with anxiety, stress, worry, fear, depression, etc. , I can thank the Lord Jesus that I’m dead to those joy stealers, and that I am in union with His complete and whole emotions. Therefore, He will keep me from ‘losing it’ and from being enslaved from those cloaked enemies that steal, kill, and destroy the abundant life.