John 15:9 “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you, abide in My love.” John 17:23 “I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved me.” John 17:26 “and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”
I heard a statement a couple of years ago, and it was one of those that gets your attention. The best I can remember, the statement was that God loves us with the same love that God loves God. At the time, I had to think about that for a moment. Then it came to me. God loving God deals with the Father loving Jesus and Jesus loving the Father, and therefore, the Father loves us with the same love that He loves Jesus; and Jesus loves us with the same love that He has for the Father. So making that personal, Jesus loves you and He loves me with the same love He has for the Father, and the Father loves you and the Father loves me with the same love He has for Jesus. That awesome love never ends, and it is eternal. The Father is always loving the Son, and the Son is always loving the Father, and we are right in the middle of that being loved by both. The above verses testify to that remarkable truth. They tell us to abide in that love. Abiding simply means to live every moment in that reality.