Over the last few days. I keep seeing the word miracle. I believe the Lord is saying that we are in a time where He is releasing miracles in our lives and in the lives of those for whom we pray. I have seen the manifestation of this word released in my life in a small way, but I want more. I believe this word about miracles is for the body and especially the body of Christ in Selma. Just simple ask the Lord to release this in and through your life. He will give you many opportunities to minister to people as you are out and about in your daily activities. I’ve asked Lord to help me ‘tune in’ to what He wants to do wherever I am. In 1 Corinthians chapter twelve, the biblical word miracles in the original Greek is rooted in the word ‘dunamis’, from which we get the word dynamite. Simply, miracles are the release of God’s power. Also, I like the definition of miracle on my dictionary app. It states, “A miracle is a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, to accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.” If we are ready and willing to receive, then He is ready and willing to release the impartation.