All His promises are yes

I Kings 8:15 The Lord spoke with His mouth to David and fulfilled His word with His hand 16) Now the Lord fulfilled His word which he spoke 24) You have spoken with Your mouth and have fulfilled it with Your hand 26) ….let your word be confirmed which You have spoken. I Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass (some translations say ‘who will also do it”) 2 Corinthians 1:20 For as many are the promises of God, in Him (Jesus) are yes, therefore though Him is our Amen (our declaration)

The Lord used these verses the other day to remind me again that He not only is the Promise Maker but He is the Promise Keeper. In other words, He not only speaks the promise or word to us, but He also makes it happen in our experience. As it states in Jeremiah 1:12, “He watches over His word to perform it.” What encouragement! I believe for every situation we face, the Lord has a particular word fashioned just for us. However, I believe our response to His word determines how quickly the promise becomes a tangible reality. Truthfully, our unbelief can hinder the promise. Therefore, I believe our response should be two-fold. First, we are to believe. We believe by keeping the word before the throne. Simply, we remind (not that He needs reminding) the Lord of his oath to us by declaring that it will be done. One of my favorite quotes is ‘we act like it is so, even when it isn’t so, in order for it to be so, because we know it’s so, because He says it’s so.’ There is something powerful about speaking the personal words that the Lord has given us. Tc and I pray each morning, and we proclaim His promises and we thank Him that He is going to bring them to pass, which carries me to my next point. Second, we give Him thanks. I was reading today in Jeremiah 33. In this passage, the Lord was promising healing and restoration and other good things. Their response to His proclamations was to bring the Lord a thank offering. The thank offering they brought was as follows: “Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, for He is good, and His lovingkindness(great word which means so much, but one is His loyalty to His covenant) is everlasting. I’m so thankful He makes it simple for us. We believe the word, and we thank Him for it. Thats what faith looks like