I love the radical teachings commonly known as ‘The Sermon on the Mount’. It’s found in full in Matthew chapters 5-7. It’s simply what the life of Christ looks like living in and through us. Trying to walk this out without utter dependence on Jesus doing it through you would be impossible. One of my favorite verses in this teaching is found in Matthew 5:48. It states, “You are to be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” Another version of this scripture is found in Luke 6:36, which declares, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Therefore, and according to these passages, one of the most Christlike characteristic displayed through a believer is mercy, and mercy is chiefly given through forgiveness. We are to be a people who quickly forgive and a people who do not withhold mercy from each other. Like someone once said, “Unforgiveness is a poison we drink thinking that it affects another.” Also, as I say all the time in counseling, forgiveness is supernatural, meaning that it takes Another living within us to accomplish this act (John 15:5 -apart from me you can do nothing). As a means of encouragement, there is a blessing that follows those who are quick to give mercy, which is an outpouring of mercy on their lives (Matthew 5:7). I don’t know about you, but I need all the mercy I can get.