Vision of a soldier

The other morning I had a vision of a soldier. I thought he may have been Chinese, but I wasn’t sure. The soldier was wearing an ordinary green uniform. One thing that stood out was the headgear he was wearing. It had a red star in the center. I ‘googled’ it, and sure enough it was a Chinese uniform. The hat he was wearing was exactly like the one I researched, so this got my attention. At first, I didn’t understand what the Lord was saying to me through the picture. I was asking the Lord, “Do I pray for China?”, or “Do I pray for the Chinese military”?, or “Are you saying to pray for a particular person in the military?” Throughout the day, I continued to pray for insight and clarification. That evening, the Lord illuminated the mystery. I believe the Lord was saying that in these last days He is raising up the largest army christendom has ever seen. Interestingly, China has the largest military in the world, and it’s called the People’s Liberation Army. As well, It will be a well equipped army flowing in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit to set captives free. I believe it will be an Isaiah 61 army. Also, I believe the red star on the hat represents that the focus will be on the common everyday soldier and not on the generals and big hitters. And of course, red symbolizes power. The Lord is mustering the troops. Too long has the body of Christ sat in the pews being entertained. The time is here for the sleeping military to rise.