Over the last few years, the Lord has been given me greater revelations of His awesome grace. Like I stated in an earlier post, I use to think of grace as more of a concept rather than a tangible reality. I thought of grace as anything God gives us that we don’t deserve. However, I’ve discovered that grace is so much more. Grace is practical and substance. Grace has a face, and the face is Jesus ( I don’t know who said that, but I like it). A while back, we were having a clergy meeting where we sought the Lord for a couple of days. We called the meeting ‘The Joel Summit.’ During that time and even though it can’t be defined, we penned a working definition of grace. What we came up with is as follows: Grace is God’s limitless and continual affection, acceptance, ability, and activity as a free gift in the person of Christ flowing from His goodness to you, in you, and through you.